Cisco AIR-CAP2602I-E-K9

124,95 EUR

Deze accesspoint is gebuikt, maar verkeert in zeer keurige staat. Wordt bulk geleverd, inclusief AC-adapter, maar kan ook perfect via PoE worden gevoed. Verdere accessoires worden niet meegeleverd. De AIR-CAP2602I-E-K9 is voorzien van interne antennes.Dit is de Controller-based versie, die standaard niet geschikt is voor stand alone gebruik (eventueel is de firmware wel aan te passen en dan werkt dit prima, maar wij ondersteunen dit officieel niet).The new Cisco® Aironet® 2600 Series Access Point delivers the most advanced features in its class - with great performance, functionality, and reliability at a great price. The 802.11n based Aironet 2600 Series includes 3x4 MIMO, with three spatial streams, plus Cisco CleanAir™, ClientLink 2.0™, and VideoStream technologies, to help ensure an interference-free, high-speed wireless application experience. Second only to the Cisco Aironet 3600 Series in performance and features, the Aironet 2600 Series sets the new standard for enterprise wireless technology.Designed with rapidly evolving mobility needs in mind, the Aironet 2600 Series access point is packed with more Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)-enhancing functionality than any other access point at its price point. The new Cisco Aironet 2600 Series sustains reliable connections at higher speeds farther from the access point than competing solutions resulting in more availability of 450-Mbps data rates. Optimized for consumer devices, the Aironet 2600 Series accelerates client connections and consumes less mobile device battery power than competing solutions.

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Locatie: Noord-Holland - Amsterdam

Toegevoegd op 3 dagen geleden en vervalt op 15 January
Advertentie id: 816431
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