Gebruikt, maar in perfecte staat. Wordt bulk in antistatische bulkverpakking geleverd.
Dit kaartje is een Agilent HHBA-5101 PCI-to-Fiber adapter voor HP geproduceerd. Alternatieve partnummers: D8602-63002, D8602-69002 en 5065-5082. Ondersteund door o.a. Windows NT4, Windows 2000 en Linux.
Let op: Een GBIC wordt niet standaard meegeleverd -- u kunt deze hieronder eventueel als optie selecteren.
"The Hewlett-Packard Fiber Channel Adapter is a reliable, high performance serial I/O storage interface for servers. The serial nature of Fiber Channel brings the flexibility and ease of use of LAN connectivity to storage attachment, introducing the idea of Storage Area Networks (SAN). Fiber Channel simplifies the physical configuration issues related to the I/O channel. Peripherals may be positioned at considerable distances from the server (depending on cabling media) for convenience or for data security. More reliable in data transfer than conventional LAN, Fiber Channel offers Gigabit performance and greater device connectivity than parallel SCSI. The HP Fiber Channel Adapter provides the I/O channel scalability required for continuous growth in storage capacity and availability needs."
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